Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Five Things I Hate About...the Pittsburgh Steelers

I feel like I have seen that game before. Back and forth, being on the losing end of yet another low time amount TD to AJ Green. It's getting old boys! We still believe! Well some of us do, some of us go on talk radio and lose our mind! The one thing that never gets old, hating on the Steelers. Now I have had some posts where it was hard to come up with five things. For this, you mean I only need five?

1) Why oh why did they have to be so good in the 70s

credit: Amazon
This one is personal. My wife grew up around the time of Terry Bradshaw and the steel curtain battling it out with the Cowboys (her dad's team). While I thank the football God's she isn't a damn Boys fan I have to remember that she is a hated rivals fan. Now I have to go through life getting asked stupid questions like, "How did this happen?" Or hearing fun things directed towards her like, "go home bitch!,"or, "I knew there was a reason I liked your wife." Guess which fan says what in those previous interactions. If they could have just sucked like they did in the 3 decades prior that would have been fantastic. Alas, they didn't, so I have to stare at a black and white framed photo of Bradshaw on my wife's nightstand. Three pictures on that damn thing, Bradshaw, our daughter and our first dog. Notice there was no mention of me in there. DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU BRAAAAAAAAAADSHAAAAAAW!

Eh, I got the wedding photo over the bed. Suck it Bradshaw!

2) Wishy Washy Fan Reactions to Michael Vick

credit: NFL Memes
Some fans, could care less. "He served his time blah blah blah here we go blah blah black and yellow blah blah terrible towel blah blah QUEST FOR 7 blah blah."  I know, I know....Ray Rice. I heard it already! Am I condoning what either of them did? No. Did I support Rice when it all went down? No. However, your new backup served time for running a dog fighting ring where multiple dogs were killed and mistreated. My guy punched his future wife. Just sayin'. Your QBs tend to make poor decisions. Hoping for more from Vick on Thursday.

I personally enjoy talking to the ones who hate the move...like the wife. "I...can't believe they signed him. I'm embarrassed. I don't know if I can support them." Did I mention the dog photo on the nightstand over me? Okay, now that we're clear...

3) Hines Ward's face

credit: steelers.com
That smile probably means he just legally blind side blocked the hell out of somebody and gave them a concussion. Ward has the same effect as Derek Jeter had/has on me. I hate/respect him. Ward was a warrior and one of the reasons that the Steeler/Raven rivalry is so great today. Would I have taken him on my team? Oh hell yeah. Would I have enjoyed seeing him fall through the ground in The Dark Knight Rises? Bane is an ass hat for NOT doing that. Did I enjoy seeing him get blown away in The Walking Dead? I would have, if he would have been on screen for more than 10 seconds. I do take some pleasure knowing he had to sit through all the time of having the makeup put on for only a few seconds of work...however, still awesome to have been on the show. DAMN YOU WARD! EVEN IN RETIREMENT WE STILL HATE YOU! Admit it, you know you boo when NBC is in town and he shows up. He feeds off those like a warlock feeds off tears.
credit: examiner.com
4) Joey Porter is still a douche

I have hated this guy for as long as I can remember. It pains me to still see him on the damn sideline. I mostly hate him for one play in particular. Way back in my drunken youth (2004) we were playing the Steelers here at the big crab cake. Todd Heeeeeeeeeeeeap (yeah we started that before your little Heeeeeeeeeeeath chant d-bags) came back from a play and was limping badly. He had, what looked like, hurt his ankle on the play and the Ravens were rushing to the line to spike the ball to stop the clock. Porter, in his infinite wisdom, pushed Heap to the ground as Boller spiked the ball. Porter denied it as a cheap shot and said Heap could have been faking and that this is just football. After that moment I busted my roommates chops and called my friend (and future wife) to call her player an a$$hole. They both gave the same defense. 

Probably cause they were butthurt to have lost to a Kyle Boller led Ravens team, 30-13. I don't blame you, if I lost to a pile of garbage in a game of Madden I'd be pissed to.

5) There is no arguing with SOME of their fans

Now, some of them do actually have some damn sense. Just like some Ravens fans(stop stereotyping us Steeler fan). True football heads are hard to come by but when you can have an educated conversation with a rival fan without ever hearing the phrase, "WE HAVE 6!," or "QUEST FOR 7!" It's a beautiful thing. Like seeing a rainbow, finding the pot of gold at the end of said rainbow and enjoying an ice cold one as you swim around your new riches. However with Steeler fans it's like seeing a freaking unicorn. It never happens. Most keep that stupid title comment in their back pocket along with "hate us cause they ain't us" which is just a totally overused phrase that needs to just die. The people that use that phrase are usually the ones that try to bet on games with you before you even know who is going to be on the team. Listen here Mitch, can we get to March before you want me to drop a 50 spot on the game? K! Thaaaaaaaaanks.

I am shocked that took more than 10 minutes to type up! I'm disappointed, that I didn't have more hate! The thing is with this team, we all have plenty. While I haven't been to a Ravens Steelers game in nearly a decade I can honestly say that those were the most intense games I went to. I saw more fights pregame than anyone can imagine and would almost bet to see more at the game were I there on Thursday. Hopefully the Ravens put up a good showing cause you know with Vick out there its going to be a dog fight. Waka waka kids!
credit: muppethub.com

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