Okay, seriously everyone, say it with me. Woo sah. There do you feel better? We are still 7-21(8-21 after the win against the Twins) coming off back to back sweeps (one of us in New York and one against the Red Sox at home) and I have heard two totally different reactions in a matter of days.
Let's be realistic. Who honestly thought the O's would be better then fourth place this season? If you nodded your head, raised your hand or even thought for a second that your answer would qualify as a yes then please hit yourself.
Better now? Yes I admit, I had high hopes, I had concerns but in no way am I going to say, "Get rid of everyone, start anew and start spending money!" Wake up folks, before MacPhail came to town we did that. We threw money at anyone or anything that resembled a major leaguer. Making us to look like we were going to contend. Whether it was Palmeiro, Tejada (the first time, not now, its a favor now), Kevin Brown, Albert Belle, Sidney Ponson(who is in the top 10 of Oriole pitching statistics, strikeouts - he is number 1 in sucking) the list goes on and on. We have been losing ever since Angelos couldn't handle Davey Johnson's ego and fired him after the 1997 season.
Some current fans of the O's have no idea that we were once good, on steroids (allegedly), but still a very competitive team. Ever since Davey Johnson's departure we have been a losing team struggling with its identity. Now I am not saying we shouldn't be upset about the current state of the O's but let's take a step back, relax. I heard one caller on a radio show say we should get rid of Adam Jones because of his porous BA since May of last year (.215) and inability to stay healthy. Sure, let's give up on a gold glover whose batting average reflects being shifted around in the lineup so much in his career. I like Trembley but when it comes to Jones he never has been able to keep him in a specific spot in the lineup. This year it is due to the Brian Roberts injury. Other than Roberts, who can fill our leadoff spot? Its very easy for me to flip flop Jones and Markakis in the lineup. Put Jones in the 3 spot with Markakis batting second, once Roberts returns of course. Markakis hits for average better then power and Jones clearly hits for power.
Do the Orioles need to clean house and start fresh? No. Will we fire Trembley after the season? Oh yes, the only way he saves his job is by some miraculous finish. Will we win any more series' against the Red Sox? No, if we win in Fenway the team may get lynched. Personally I think we should pick up the option on Rojo Johnson (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haHlFA_bDkI), I mean we need middle relief help. Right?
Besides, its only a few months until the Ravens open up camp. So, go Ravens!
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