"I don't think college would have helped me," said Howard in an interview earlier today.
Okay so let's think about this for a second. Can he jump out of the gym every night? Yes. Can he win the dunk contest every year if he wanted to? Yes. Can he block shots into the fifth row? Yes. Do I have a better jumper then him? Yes. Can he do anything other then dunk? Not really.
Even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar felt the need to point out how raw Howard is discussing his lack of a "go to move" and his offense being "predictable." Howard responded when he acknowledged Abdul-Jabbar's classic hook shot which he said Abdul-Jabbar could "shoot from the three point line and I am still working on mine in the paint." You know where you could have worked on those skills Dwight? COLLEGE!
While in recent years the NBA has increased the age limit to 19 which requires most players to play at least one year of college, this seems to create scandal. Consider the recent discovery involving two recent one year players in Derrick Rose and O.J. Mayo. These scandals caused Tim Floyd at USC to resign and, luckily for him, John Calipari got out of Memphis before the investigation began. This has caused Coach K and while I hate his school I agree with some of what he has to say. He believes that the NBA needs to either increase the age so kids have to go to college for at least two years or just let them go straight from high school. Even if its raised to have two years of college, the best option in my opinion, who is to say that there still wouldn't be scandals?
Not me. I would prefer to go with the two year rule because for every star NBA-er who came out of high school there is Kwame Brown. No amount of good outweighs that. Kwame Brown's best stat is his amazing ability to be traded for Pau Gasol last season. Memphis, what a franchise. With the two year rule you could weed out the players who aren't ready yet and perhaps find those diamonds in the rough. I don't believe college = successful as I myself have a college degree and am unemployed. Perhaps if I had a jump shot...
I know what I say here will have no effect on the massive general public but Howard's probably will. I hope that more people realize how stupid what he said really is. I'm sure he would still have things to work on had he gone to college but I would guarantee he would have learned a few post up moves playing in a power conference in the NCAA. At least Kobe feels like he missed out on the college experience. How more upset would people be every time they compared him to Michael Jefferson Jordan had he gone to his school of choice in Duke? I think the city of Chapel Hill would explode at the near mention of it.
Now I am not saying that Howard is talentless, I actually respect the guy and see him as a possible second coming to Shaq. I mean he has already surpassed him in free throw shooting ability but that is not saying much. Howard needs to improve in a lot of areas but the gu
y is only 24 so I will give him a break. Think about it though, when was the last time you saw a center dominate the way Howard did against the Cavs? Once he has all the tools necessary to be a dominant presence offensively who is going to be able to contain him? He will have to change his name to the Juggernaut since he would be an unstoppable force. I don't think college would have made him this beast but it would have helped.

David Stern and his group of flunkies are currently privately discussing the age limit. Personally I like to publicly discuss things so let me hear your thoughts people. If you agree with what I am saying then let me know (I am really insecure). I want to know your thoughts readers so let me hear them.
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