Monday, December 14, 2009
10 Things I Have Learned About Fantasy Football
So the top 10 things I have learned about Fantasy Football...
10) I am the Dallas Cowboys of Fantasy Football
Yeah I know I am an 8 win team in the regular season but let's face it, I just can't win in any format besides CBS. I would fire my coach but I just don't have the heart. I like him too much. Besides, he is great in the regular season!
9) Don't believe the hype of last year
This is directed at Steve Slaton. He utterly killed me this year. I drafted him as my second back to Maurice Jones Drew. I love MJD and would pick him again in a second. However I will be against having Slaton on my team ever....EVER...AGAIN! He is now added to the banned player list which leads me to..
8) Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...
Without completely mocking "Dubbya", I can never be fooled again. Previous drafts for me lead me to my banned from my team list. On that list is, Steven Jackson, Larry Johnson and Drew Brees. Why Drew Brees? I don't want to ruin his career. He is only great for me when he is on my bench. Call it voodoo, call it whatever you will, Drew Brees will not be on my roster. I like him too much.
7) Time to invite my buddies significant others
Previously to this season I haven't had to live down the infamous, "Dude even your girl made it further then you!" In my defense my girlfriend actually does follow football and knows 99% of the players and all of which who are on her roster. However my aunt doesn't even know who Adrian Peterson is. "I just drafted who was at the top of the list, who is this Adrian Peterson guy?" Also she once picked Kyle Boller and said that Yahoo! suggested it. NO ONE BELIEVES YOU! She always makes the playoffs! ALWAYS! Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
6) In case of emergency...
I have known this after my first season when I watched another team fall apart. However my lesson didn't stick this year when I dropped Jonathan Stewart who I had drafted for this very rule. If you draft Ronnie Brown, Deangelo Williams, Brian Westbrook, Larry Johnson or Steven Jackson grab their backup later in the draft(like you will for Stewart, Ricky Williams or Lesean McCoy). If not that at least keep an eye on the waiver wire because other owners are vultures. They love to watch you squirm and panic.
5) Do you want to play the repeater?
Do you want to play the repeater? All Super Troopers quotes aside, no one ever has a repeat performance of the previous season. Who here wants to drive to Atlanta to punch Michael Turner in the face? Well, maybe not that since he is bigger then you. But don't you want to kick him in the shin? No, because he could sue. Don't you want to write him a nasty e-mail? There it is. Don't draft a guy who has a blow up season the year before and expect the same results. If Brady and Manning can't do it, who can? These are just some shenanigans, no one likes my shenanigans, oooooh silly shenanigans! Or you could go to that place with all the crap on the walls and the mozzarella sticks. (too many references for you, TOO BAD)
4) There are exactly 10 QBs worth their weight in gold
Maybe not even that but what I mean by this is that there are only a few quarterbacks that are going to average double digit points for you. Everyone knows a few (Brees, Manning, Favre, Rivers, Warner, etc). You need to grab the one that no one thinks of. This season that was Favre and Matt Schaub. While everyone was spending their first QB pick on Tom Brady, probably because he is so dreamy, the person who got Schaub later scooped up another position player. I'm not saying to grab Schaub with your first pick next year, especially since there is always a sleeper. My pick for next year is Joe Flacco. Call me Wacko for Flacco if you want. The guy is going to be an absolute beast next year, that is, as long as Derrick Mason doesn't retire again.
3) Late round running back WIN!
The past two years we have seen later round backs go absolutely crazy. As a Raven fan I am super happy that this year it was Ray Rice. Every year there is always one and I can't even pretend who next year's is going to be. The guy could get drafted this year. I only have been lucky enough one season when I drafted Adrian Peterson in his rookie season(in like the 10th round). It was the first and last time I was able to say that he was on my roster. You are sadly missed sir. However I did hit a homerun with a late round WR in Percy Harvin. So...there's that.
2) Hit the waiver wire early for sleepers
I can't say how many times I got on to my fantasy site on Tuesday afternoon to see a couple of people already active in picking up guys I wanted to scoop up for bye week fills or injury replacements. This year it killed me since I needed a TON of running back help with Slaton not doing much/getting hurt. Add to the fact that owners can start 3 in my leagues and anyone can see how I could have a problem. Also there are such things as making too many moves. Something I do a lot. My name is Brandan Spiegel and I am an over thinker when it comes to fantasy football. Where's the free coffee and baked goods?
Ladies and Gentleman, the number one thing I have learned about fantasy football is...
1) Play with people you are friends/enemies/or at least know
If there is one thing that The League (best comedy on FX...EVER) has taught us, it is that a tight knit group of buddies playing fantasy football is pretty awesome. It is like a family. A very, very dysfunctional family. One that you may call gay, retarded or threaten to kill on a weekly basis. One that you can threaten harm, deadly diseases or tragic ways to die on players who have scorned you that week. Now, losses in leagues of people that aren't known don't hurt less. It is a lot easier to get away from them when you lose to some schmo who has never met you. Saying all this there is only one other thing to say. A message to Alex Tirdil, Antoine Pollard, Brandon Waters, Michelle Landers, Bea Wells, Lauren Webster, John Moore, Marcel Cottman, and Nick Barnes...I hate you guys and I love you guys.
If you don't get it readers, you are missing out on quite a fantasy football group. Call them your best buddy, your girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse, significant other(or insignificant other once you guys play fantasy together, BAHZINGA), uncle, aunt, co-worker it doesn't matter. Once September starts, another part of you opens up. Even discussions about the league in June get you pumped up. "When is the draft?" "Who you pickin'?" "Dude you suck!" Oh yes, it begins when you set up the league. My readers, the fun never stops. It lasts a lifetime.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
NFL Power Rankings - Week 11

NFL Power Rankings
1. Indianapolis Colts (2, 9-0)
I take back what I said last week. This was definitely nailbiter of the year. They were an eyelash from losing to the Pats. Brady went crazy against their dismantled defense but a crazy gamble late cost them the game. With all of these close games eventually they aren't going to have enough to win. Hopefully that begins this week against Baltimore.
2. New Orleans Saints (1, 9-0)
Win you barely beat the Rams, on the road or not, I can't keep you as the most elite team in the league. The D clearly can't stop the run as they were abused by Steven Jackson. Also a lack of a TD for the first time in a long time was a shock considering their opponent. Brees didn't throw for multiple TDs so it has me wondering how long they will remain undefeated. My guess is maybe two more weeks before a loss. Don't be shocked if an upstart Bucs team pulls one off.
3. Cincinnati Bengals (5, 7-2)
Why does Merril Hoge have to be right? This team is completely legit and playing complete team football. The defense is looking like a creation of Marvin Lewis as opposed to previous years. While the offense is running the ball consistently. Benson came up lame early in the game so that could be a problem going into later weeks. Keep an eye on that fantasy owners!
4. Minnesota Vikings (4, 8-1)
Bye week again, well not really. Although playing the Lions might as well be. Peterson abused them and they won. Not really much of an accomplishment like, oh I don't know, beating the defending Super Bowl champs twice!
5. New England Patriots (3, 6-3)
How do you go for it with little time left, in a tight game against the Colts, in Indy, on your side of the field? Even in Madden I would have punted that. Have a little faith in your defense Bill. These teams will meet again come playoff time.
6. Pittsburgh Steelers (5, 6-3)
I don't think it matters who this team faces or what their record is, they will always be favored. Especially at home. Losing a game the way they did to the Bengals, who played classic Steeler style football, hurts a little. Even Merril Hoge didn't predict they would sweep the Steelers. Polamalu being hurt again also isn't a good sign.
7. Arizona Cardinals (8, 6-3)
Warner and Hasselback put on a show. However, Warner is a pro at a show(I mean he was a part of the greatest show on turf) which is probably why his team won. Add to the fact that Seattle has been up and down this season and the Cards were at home...wait what? They won a game they should have at home? Good for them.
8. San Diego Chargers (13, 6-3)
LT got a gift from his wife before the game. A positive pregnancy test. So the future new dad looked like a blast from the past when he dominated the Eagles. Broncos are on the decline while this team keeps getting better and better.
9. Dallas Cowboys (6, 6-3)
They looked AWFUL against the Packers. Being shut out for most of the game when the defense they were facing was less than impressive against the Bucs. I said it wouldn't last long. I don't see them losing against the Skins but I wouldn't have picked them to beat the Broncos either. One of the best rivalries in the NFL.
10. Philadelphia Eagles (7, 5-4)
They apparently can't travel to the west coast and leave with a W. At least this time it was to a more worthy opponent. McNabb went crazy with over 350 yards and they still lost. Add that to the fact Brian Westbrook has another concussion. Doesn't look good for the Eagles.
11. Houston Texans (11, 5-4)
Bye week this past week. Will the running back committee continue? I would like to know (fannnnnnnnnnnnntasyyyyyyyyy).
12. Baltimore Ravens (12, 5-4)
That game hurt to watch. Both teams looked poor. However it was the Browns offense that looked worse. Antoine Pollard said it best, "I feel dumber for watching that game." Well hopefully we will be more offensive against the Colts.
13. Atlanta Falcons (10, 5-4)
Losing Michael Turner is going to hurt this team. Evident in the fact that they lost to the Panthers who are really rolling now. If the Falcons keep playing like this they could lose a playoff spot to the Panthers.
14. New York Giants (14, 5-4)
Bye week...not much to say. At least the Eagles and Cowboys lost this week!
15. San Francisco 49ers (15, 4-5)
That was an ugly, ugly win. Atrocious would describe that win. Gore was able to move the ball but that was it. The defense looked good or was it Cutler that looked that bad.
16. Miami Dolphins (16, 4-5)
Well at least they didn't blow that game to the Bucs. Henne did look pedestrian at times but they need to Jets and Pats to kill each other this weekend to give them a chance in the division.
17. Green Bay Packers (18, 5-4)
How do you go from losing to the Bucs to beating the Cowboys? I don't know but I like it! Pretty dominant at home not allowing the Boys to score until late in the fourth quarter when it didn't matter.
18. Denver Broncos (9, 6-3)
They lost to the Redskins, probably due to Orton being injured when they needed him late. If he is hurt for an extended period of time, this team could miss the playoffs.
19. Carolina Panthers (21, 4-5)
What a turnaround. Next to the Titans this might be the scariest under .500 in the league. With Atlanta faltering and having injury issues with Turner, who knows what can happen with a wild card spot.
20. Jacksonville Jaguars (23, 5-4)
Why MJD didn't just punch it in for the win I have no idea. I mean, doesn't he know people could have used that TD in fantasy! Del Rio will have hate mail from about 60 million fantasy owners this week, he won't care since his team won.
21. Tennessee Titans (22, 3-6)
Chris Johnson beast mode activated. Can they win 10 in a row and possibly make the playoffs? Possibly, with Johnson running the ball so dominantly anything is possible.
22. New York Jets (17, 4-5)
MJD owns everyone. He even felt sorry for them, so he took a knee at the 1. I have no idea why but whatever. Jets loss and now the Pats are coming to town. My how the tides have turned.23. Chicago Bears (19, 4-5)
Hey Jay over here I'm open, whoops. Another interception. This is going to be an ugly rest of the season if he doesn't stop turning the ball over. A lot of folks were saying all of those INTs were not his fault. Okay well 3 of them were, especially the one that lost the game. The defense finally turns it around and this happens. Da Bears are Da Turnova Kings.
24. Seattle Seahawks (20, 3-6)
Hasselback lost a tough battle against Warner. He did get a rapport going with Houschmandzadeh and at least Forsett looks good considering Orange Julius Jones got hurt.
25. Buffalo Bills (24, 3-6)
Chris Johnson nearly had 300 yards from the line of scrimmage this week. I remember when I thought the Bills might be decent. That was before the injuries, the letdowns and the preseason.
26. Washington Redskins (30, 3-6)
I'm sorry they did what? They beat the Broncos? No way. Betts ran all over them? Wow. Will I be the only one who won't be shocked if Betts stays as the starting back even if Portis comes back healthy?
27. Kansas City Chiefs (25, 2-7)
So in the game of the weak they took out the Raiders. It was kind of a gift the Raiders gave them. At this point, would anyone be shocked if they beat the Broncos?
28. Oakland Raiders (27, 2-7)
Same score but in reverse against the Chiefs this week. Watching Heyward-Bey drop two balls that cost his team the game has to hurt Al Davis. Especially while watching Michael Crabtree lighting up in San Fran.
29. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (29, 1-8)
They look like they are going to shock some more teams before the year is out. I honestly won't be totally surprised when the Cadillac runs ALL OVER the Saints this week. I also won't be surprised if Freeman throws a pick 6 or two.
30. Detroit Lions (28, 1-8)
Maybe the highlight of the season will be that they actually got a win. I don't know if they win again with the defense they are playing now.
31. St. Louis Rams (31, 1-8)
They actually stood a chance against the second best team in the league. The fact that they have Steven Jackson sure helped them exploit the Saints biggest weakness. They are going to string together some wins. Not starting this week.
32. Cleveland Browns (32, 1-8)
They are awful, so bad that they made the Ravens look just as bad. No one has the heart or drive on offense. They need diverse play calling to get the ball into the hands of Cribbs and Massaquoi. At least the defense didn't get completely abused.
Dare to compare mine to those at ESPN. We differ on our opinions but hey, at least you know I'm not one to plagiarize! Check it out and I will see you here next week!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Fantasy Football Awards - Week 9
For the scoring system click the link below:
Moving on to the awards.
Our first award this week goes to a unit who let down everyone in week 9. So far this season they have had terrible numbers, mainly the past few weeks (against the Browns doesn't count). Two weeks in a row they have finished with negative points which is why this one hurts. Surprisingly still owned by 70% of teams in Yahoo!(more then top week 9 performers Seattle, Cincinnati and Tampa Bay) and only 48% started. So that 48% was pretty upset when they turned on their computer to find out that Arizona had destroyed this team at home. Ladies, gentleman and fantasy geeks I present you with this week's...
Chicago Defense - -1 points (41 PA, int, sack)
This is just unacceptable for a defense to do this once let alone two weeks in a row. If you played them last night you aren't mad at them but after last week, who would have done that? In a week where you easily could have filled the void with classy match ups like Seattle vs. Detroit in week 9, you should have done it. Most owners were probably foaming at the mouth thinking Warner was going to be awful like in the previous week. The Cardinals are a completely different team on the road (why I have no idea) with an undefeated record. A complete reverse of last season when they never won on the east coast until the postseason. Warner has been smashing fools on the road including two monsters in the Eagles and Giants. I'm sure there were others that broke your heart last week, like Clinton Portis who got 0 points and a concussion. If you are relying on any Redskins to get you fantasy points, clearly that is desperation. I would know, I had to pick up Ladell Betts this week!
If you need a quick pick up on defense take a look at the Falcons. While they are going to get run all over, Delhomme is always due for turnovers. Add to the fact that they are only 44% owned in Yahoo! could make them a quick fix. Another sleeper is the Titans(42% owned in Yahoo!). While I hate them as much as most fantasy owners(I had them most of the season when they were scoring negative numbers then I scooped up the Saints D, haven't looked back since) they are getting healthier and face an abysmal Bills team this week.
So this award goes to a team/player who does really well just not as well as the MVP of the week. 47% owned in Yahoo! leagues shows that he is a bit of a sleeper. People gave up on him even though he faces a lack luster division lineup with poor pass defenses. In week 9 he outscored fantasy studs like Tom Brady, Big Ben, Philip Rivers and the Manning brothers. I find it amusing that he outperformed Tom Brady since this week's award goes to...
Matt Cassel 24 points (262 yds, 2 TDs, 2 pt conversion)
This one is a bit of a shocker. Which in my mind is what this award is about. Someone who isn't widely owned, who does well, that someone could pick up this week if need be. While he does face the stout, sarcasm much, Oakland Raiders D this week, he will have decent numbers. At least better than Eli or Matt Schaub who are on bye this week. Potentially better then Brady once again who is facing the Colts vicious pass rush and lowest scoring defense in the league. Cassel may have a terrible line but he does have some dangerous weapons in Dwayne Bowe and Jamaal Charles. Cassel is a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde player where some weeks he is great and others he is terrible. Hopefully this week he can pull it off for some of you desperate QB people out there in those 12 or 14 team leagues.
There is no point in me even toying with this one. I hinted at his dominance earlier and he cost me a game this week (thank god the other person I faced sat him in favor of Jay Cutler, still beat me 5!). It is blatantly obvious who this week's MVP is...
Kurt Warner 40 points (261 yds, 5 TDs)
What he did to the Bears defense was just completely unfair. I wish he would have only gotten those TDs to the tight ends since the guy I played also had Fitzgerald but that is neither here nor there. Warner is either putting up numbers like this, if on the road, or putting up 5 turnovers, if at home. It is hard to tell which one will show up from week to week but with the weapons at his disposal its hard not to like his chances for multiple TDs every week. He is going to be facing the Rams(twice, week 16 being the 2nd time which, in some cases, is the fantasy championship game), 49ers and Seahawks at least one more time with those last two being on the road where he excels. Warner is still in my fantasy football hall of fame for last year when I got him in the last round or at the end of the preseason when I picked him up off waivers and dropped Leinart. It is one guy I don't want to see in the fantasy postseason with his potential match ups. Our playoffs are weeks 14-16. Meaning that Warner is going up against the legendary defenses of the 49ers, Lions and Rams. Even if Warner is hurt every owner should scoop up Leinart immediately just to avoid the potential beat down he could give you.
So there you have it folks. Those of you who I am in the leagues with congrats to the owners who have these players. For the others, thanks for checking out the blog. I apologize for the lack of awards. Thanks to a no Facebook bet, I was able to focus! See you next time, same BS time, same BS, I mean blog.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
NFL Power Rankings - Week 10

Thursday, November 5, 2009
NFL Power Rankings - Week 9

1. New Orleans Saints (1, 7-0)
Still undefeated, not even close at home. Brees still looks great, the defense can be run on but still create turnovers with points at the end of them. As long as they stay healthy I am not sure that they can be stopped. Not going to go undefeated but will not be beat at home.
2. Indianapolis Colts (2, 7-0)
I can't move them up for almost losing to the Niners at home. Can't move them down either. Still undefeated and facing a team this week that they are 13-1 against. Also losing Bob Sanders for the season after just playing in 2 games not a positive in my mind.
3. New England Patriots (4, 5-2)
Bye week this past week. Tough division game against the Dolphins. Those games are always interesting.
4. Minnesota Vikings (5, 7-1)
Smashing Green Bay twice has to make an old man feel good. Being in first place going into the bye with only one loss is also pretty good.
5. Cincinnati Bengals (6, 5-2)
They destroyed the Bears. Yes, I know I said that last week but it was their bye. What should I say? Ochocinco is a jokester, sending the Ravens D sticks of deodorant. Odoriferous, offalactigil, emanations.
6. Denver Broncos (3, 6-1)
What a difference ownage makes. They were destroyed by Baltimore this week. So the question remains since it took so long for people to FINALLY jump their bandwagon. Which team will show up this week? The great team that we all saw before the Ravens game or the team that got demolished in Baltimore? Time will tell.
7. Pittsburgh Steelers (9, 5-2)
Bye week so...why move them up?
8. Baltimore Ravens (11, 4-3)
Beatdown week. Ownage of an unbeaten team hasn't been done like that in a long time. It feels sweet to end a losing streak now, let's not start a new one against Cincy!
9. Philadelphia Eagles (12, 5-2)
For dismantling the Giants you get to be in the top 10. Now just do the same thing to the Cowboys and you can stay. As long as Desean Jackson keeps dominating everyone I don't see how they can be stopped. Should be a great show in Dallas this week.
10. Arizona Cardinals (8, 4-3)
DON'T Believe in the Cardinals. I don't think anyone saw that one coming. A loss to the Panthers at home, really? They got ran all over by Williams and Stewart, something they were number one in before last week. That could have just been a fluke by the Panthers but Warner looked horrible, turning the ball over 6 times is not going to win football games.
11. Atlanta Falcons (10, 4-3)
Can't drop them too far for not getting completely owned by the Saints. Can anyone beat them at home this year? I don't think so. Ryan is looking very sophomoric lately. Hope that turns around soon as he is going to need to get going for them to be successful.
12. Houston Texans (13, 5-3)
Steve Slaton BENCHING. No matter the RB the offense is still a beast. Beating the Bills is not as big of a feat as taking out the Niners. However keep winning Texans if you want to head for the playoffs.
13. Dallas Cowboys (17, 5-2)
I can't move them up too much even though they thumped my compMANions in Seattle. They play the Eagles this week for number 1 in the NFC East. Isn't it nice to have three decent teams in a division?
14. Green Bay Packers (14, 4-3)
Losing to the Vikings isn't totally a loss. How bout them Packers fans huh? Booing Favre is a little ridiculous. It did make me feel good deep down inside (read below if you don't understand why).
15. San Francisco 49ers (15, 3-4)
This is another team that I just can't quit. Probably my childhood infatuation with them. They almost stole win from the Colts and looked like they might actually do it, for a half at least. Alex Smith is proving he is better then the last QB Smith (Akili) taken in the first round a few years back. Vernon Davis sighting!!!!
16. New York Giants (9, 5-3)
They hit the trifecta. Their defense doesn't look like they can stop a peewee team, Eli playing hurt is not looking good and they are no longer in first in the division. Now they have to face the pass happy Chargers. Don't make it 4 in a row or do, it makes me feel good to drop a New York team after the Yanks victory.
17. Chicago Bears (18, 4-3)
I feel like there should be a stipulation for power rankings when you beat the Browns. It should be, you beat the Browns, what did you prove? Beat the Cards and we'll talk about moving up more then one spot.
18. Miami Dolphins (20, 3-4)
So they have won 3 out of their last 4. The one loss was to the Saints. This could still be a playoff team if their team keeps it up. They may give the Pats a scare. That's a big may.
19. San Diego Chargers (19, 4-3)
While I love me some Rivers to Jackson (fantasy ownage), I am not sold on this team. Merriman FINALLY getting a couple of sacks is great but the defense has still looked terrible against decent offenses. I mean they gave up 17 to the Raiders, that's like 75 to the Saints.
20. New York Jets (16, 4-4)
Rex is going to eat his special teams players and coaches. Chew them up and spit them out, he was not in the mood for Ginn and juice at all! This is another one of these two sided teams that you never know which one you are going to get from week to week.
21. Seattle Seahawks (22, 2-5)
I can't quit this team. Even after a Cowboy thumping, I moved them up. They are playing a cupcake this week in the Lions. Not another tough game until the following week against the Cards.
22. Carolina Panthers (24, 3-4)
This is what the team should have been doing all year. They completely owned the Cards, surprisingly they beat them at home. Deangelo Williams proved that you could actually run on the Cards and it was Warner doing his best Delhomme impression turning the ball over 6 times. That will do it. No way they beat the Saints at home.
23. Jacksonville Jaguars (21, 3-4)
While MJD is owning everyone, his team is not. The defense is falling apart and can't even stop Vince Young after being on the shelf for nearly 2 years.
24. Buffalo Bills (23, 2-4)
The mini winning streak is over. They were destroyed by Houston this week. Ryan Moats ran all over them. Still having a lot of troubles getting the offense going.
25. Kansas City Chiefs (25, 1-6)
The bye week can get Cassel ready for a team that he should be foaming at the mouth over. Playing a poor Jag defense that is near the bottom of the league against the pass could help him pull the season together. LJ is not going to play so pick up Jamaal Charles if you need a reach in fantasy.
26. Tennessee Titans (28, 1-6)
Let's not get too happy people. Your rushing defense was awful, MJD ran all over you. Young looked decent against a horrible pass defense missing their best corner and a pass rush. One thing is for sure, Chris Johnson is an absolute monster.
27. Oakland Raiders (26, 2-6)
Well at least they didn't get stomped by San Diego. Still yet another loss, lackluster performance by Russell but their rushing D was decent. They held LT to only 56 yards, biggest problem was in the red zone. San Diego has been terrible this season but scored on 3 out of 4 tries last Sunday. Add to the fact that Cable may be run out for beating his former spouse and girlfriends, just keeps stacking up on the Raiders.
28. Detroit Lions (27, 1-6)
When you can't even beat the Rams maybe you should drop more. Well they would drop if the loss would have been with their best player, Calvin Johnson, actually in the lineup.
29. Washington Redskins (29, 2-5)
Even a bye week didn't help the Redskin offense. Honestly do we think any of their players were able to score during a bye week?
30. Cleveland Browns (30, 1-7)
They are awful, so bad that their GM got fired. Mangini So says the owner, he will not be fired during the team's bye week this week. At least the Dawg Pound is going to get involved, they were interviewed by the owner to see if there are any moves that they should make. Play in the UFL?
31. St. Louis Rams (32, 1-7)
So they beat the Lions. Great job men, you did something that only the Redskins could NOT do. Also wasting Gatorade/water on your coach for the team's first win, possibly only win, just seems like a waste of liquid. Hooray, we may not get the number one draft pick!
32. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (31, 0-7)
Even a bye week couldn't save them from dropping. At least the Rams beat someone. I don't know if the Bucs can pull off an upset in the battle of the bays.
Dare to compare mine to those at ESPN. We differ on our opinions but hey, at least you know I'm not one to plagiarize! Check it out and I will see you here next week!
Friday, October 30, 2009
NFL Power Rankings - Week 8

1. New Orleans Saints (1, 6-0)
Even when it looks like they are going to lose they win. It is insane. They wouldn't be number one if they weren't the greatest. No they can't be Ali but they could be whoever they want. I bet wherever they go for trick or treating, they would get truck loads of candy. Big game against the Falcons this week. Who will laugh last, mwahahahahahaha!
2. Indianapolis Colts (2, 6-0)
I can't move them up for dismantling the Rams. I mean who hasn't done that. Although Peyton Manning didn't throw for 300+ yards, epic FAIL! Stomp city though, this team is full of treats.
3. Denver Broncos (4, 6-0)
What a difference a bye makes. Heading to Baltimore for a tough road game in a hostile place, then again they did just play in San Diego. Hasta La Vista winning streak?
4. New England Patriots (7, 5-2)
They are just flat out embarrassing teams now. When they face a decent team and do this maybe I will be a little more impressed. Clearly the offense is clicking though. Bill Belichick would make a pretty sweet Darth Vader though wouldn't he? If you don't join the dark side, I will find someone who costs less money who will! Quote Darth Belichick on that one! Obi Wan Ki-Rex Ryan, you're our only hope!
5. Minnesota Vikings (3, 6-1)
Considering they weren't even favored to win the game how could I drop them more then this? Favre faced pressure and two turnovers cost them 14 points the other way. Without those it would have been a totally different game and who knows? Maybe a new number 1? Alas, no they lost in Pittsburgh.
6. Cincinnati Bengals (7, 5-2)
They destroyed the Bears. Palmer threw 5 times, 5 times, 5 times, 5 times, 5 times for touchdowns. So yes, you guessed it, Booker T is who he will be this Halloween. Must be nice to have this week off. No parties with Matt Leinart though Carson!
7. Pittsburgh Steelers (9, 5-2)
Yes, I know they just beat the Vikings. Yes, I know they got turnovers against Favre. Well, they moved up didn't they?
8. Arizona Cardinals (14, 4-2)
Believe in the Cardinals. Along with their pass happy offense comes a pretty stout defense. I still hear people on ESPN saying the Steelers have the number 1 rush defense. No, they don't (even Tony Reali, stat boy himself says the Steelers are the best rush defense in all the land). This team is! You wouldn't know it. They are like the force in Paranormal Activity minus the fact that no one is talking about them. Not many see how great they are but in due time they will.
9. New York Giants (5, 5-2)
Two losses in a row are not good. Having Arizona come to your house and do something they haven't done in 20 years, win, also not good. Started out as a treat on the town, now you are tricks of New York. Congrats!
10. Atlanta Falcons (6, 4-2)
Another team in their way apparently is the Cowboys. Clearly Matt Ryan can't handle a lot of pressure in his face. Dallas blitzed him all night and got a victory because of how much pressure they put on him. The Cowboys wanted that game more then them. The Iceman Matt Ryan (or Matty Ice as he may be known) will need to have a great game against the league and division leading Saints on Monday Night Football, get those helmets crashin'.
11. Baltimore Ravens (10, 3-3)
Bye week. Get your helmets on boys because this one is going to be a knock out drag out fight. Steelers took out an unbeaten last week, hopefully we can do the same this week. Suggs, become the SUGGERNAUT! ACTIVATE BEAST MODE!
12. Philadelphia Eagles (13, 4-2)
They beat a struggling Redskins team but really didn't look dominant. Desean Jackson did, he put on a Flash costume and dusted the 'Skins for two scores (thanks buddy, needed those points in fantasyyyyyyyy). Real test this week with first place in the division on the line. Plus who really wants to get out shined by the Phils?
13. Houston Texans (17, 4-3)
Steve Slaton sighting. Matt Schaub and this Texans passing game is insane. They beat a tough team at home in beating the Niners. They are surely treating themselves to whatever they want no matter what the defense. This offense is the real deal, just don't blow it against the Bills. A team they shouldn't have a problem with.
14. Green Bay Packers (15, 4-2)
Two weeks in a row they have faced cupcake teams in the Lions and the Browns. They disposed of them like a good team should. They would love to give Favre some spiked candy for Halloween. Don't look into the mirror and say Aaron Rodgers 3 times Brett. If you do, he will come out and kill you Candyman style.
15. San Francicso 49ers (12, 3-3)
How Frank Gore didn't destroy the Texans porous defense is beyond me. Alex Smith is going to be their starter, he looked great late last week. Maybe he can prove that San Fran is his Final Destination!
16. New York Jets (18, 4-3)
Rex probably transformed into Voltron last week. What they did to the Raiders was brutal. What a beat down they put on them. Like they were Bane from Batman. Rex hit a button and they went crazy. Now let's see if they can keep that up and get some payback on Miami.
17. Dallas Cowboys (20, 4-2)
Miles Austin is the best receiver this team has had since Michael Irvin. Clearly he is no fluke as he has had two stellar performances in a row. He clearly has PF Flyers and is going as Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez this Halloween. The guy runs great routes and is a hard worker. Defense is starting to turn around to.
18. Chicago Bears (11, 3-3)
Two losses in a row is not good for the Monsters of the Midway. In addition to getting thumped by the Bengals, they were completely owned by Cedric Benson. That stings.
19. San Diego Chargers (19, 3-3)
They did what they were supposed to do against the Chiefs. It is something new every week for this team. Up and down. It's like Poison Ivy, they had everyone loving them before they ripped out their hearts by losing a few close games. Do Batman villain comparisons ever get old?
20. Miami Dolphins (16, 2-4)
Oh when the Saints, come marching in, oh when the Saints come marching in. Oh they want to change the number (of points they gave up to the Saints), when the Saints come to Miami. Everyone better hide from Bill Parcells as he may do his best Michael Myers impression and start taking people out if they keep losing.
21. Jacksonville Jaguars (21, 3-3)
Jack Del Rio is going to be playing someone from The Departed if he doesn't improve the defense. They can't win enough games to get into the playoffs without a decent defense. There are two potent offenses in their own division let alone any they have to face throughout the league. I mean, even the Rams gave them a scare.
22. Seattle Seahawks (23, 2-4)
This team is like Two Face. One week they are awesome and the next they don't show up at all. After a bye you have to wonder what kind of tricks they have up their sleeves. Hopefully, for my own fantasy purposes, my bag will be full of treats from Hasselback and Houshmandzadeh.
23. Buffalo Bills (25, 2-4)
So they officially have started a mini winning streak. Okay so they beat the Panthers and handled Jake Delhomme like everyone else has. Had they beat someone else I may have moved them up more. Honestly I just want to see if they are posers or if they actually can win a few tough games.
24. Carolina Panthers (22, 2-4)
Delhomme gives up plenty of treats to opposing defenses. He leads the league in INTs and is still going to start despite that. What Freddy Krueger does to dreams, opposing defenses do to Delhomme. If they didn't have Deangelo Williams and a defense that shows up once in awhile. Perhaps they should dress up as last year's Steelers, lord knows they don't want to play the Cardinals as themselves.
25. Kansas City Chiefs (24, 1-6)
They were really put in their place this week. Don't expect Larry Johnson to be playing any time soon over his infamous gay slurs. Don't expect any questionable dressing up from him anytime soon either. Especially with the teams bye week and all.
26. Oakland Raiders (26, 2-5)
They made me regret moving them up. They got STOMPED by the Jets, in the black hole no less! At least no one honestly knows who most of the fans on the sidelines are since they are dressed in more armor then a Medieval Times knight. So much for those playoffs Seymour.
27. Detroit Lions (27, 1-6)
They had a bye week and NFL is giving them a treat for Halloween. They get the Lambs er I mean Rams at home. Woohoo for mediocre games.
28. Tennessee Titans (28, 0-6)
This just in Jeff Fisher is going as Peyton Manning for Halloween. He just wants to be a winner. Maybe he should wear a Vince Young jersey, I think they could get their first W this week. He is facing a terrible pass defense in Jacksonville. So if he can't make it happen they should just lose out and get Sam Bradford.
29. Washington Redskins (30, 2-5)
Redskin fans got a rock when they turned on the TV on Monday night. Unfortunately that rock was only on defense. Without those Campbell turnovers their game could have had a different outcome. Maybe with Sherm "Bingo Caller" Lewis at the helm their offense will get better?
30. Cleveland Browns (29, 1-6)
Even more tricks. They just got abused by Green Bay this past week. The great news for their fans is they can just stay in those dog pound costumes or wear paper bags over their heads if they are silly enough to travel to Chicago.
31. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (31, 0-7)
Trick. Another lopsided game last week was their game against New England. They would have been better off playing a game in the English Premier League then against the Pats. Hey there was a Josh Freeman sighting, maybe he will go as a starter in the NFL this Halloween.
32. St. Louis Rams (32, 0-7)
A whole bag of tricks here. Did you honestly think they would beat let alone put up a fight against the Colts? They died quicker then a black person in a horror movie. I don't make the movies, you know I'm right. Everyone will wish they were dead as opposed to watching their game this week against the Lions. So this week they could be treats.
Dare to compare mine to those at ESPN. We differ on our opinions but hey, at least you know I'm not one to plagiarize! Check it out and I will see you here next week!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bye or Sell

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Fantasy Football Awards - Week 6
For the scoring system click the link below:
Moving on to the awards.
Our first award this week goes to a man who needs no introduction. With so many experiencing bye weeks and injuries this past week this guy was a huge reach. If you wanted a possibility of points then why not scoop him up. In my opinion he probably won't be starting in real football so you probably shouldn't have him in your fantasy roster, ever! The QB might be getting Young-er, if you get my drift. The crafty ole veteran himself earned himself the...
Kerry Collins - -4 points (-7 pass yds, 1 int; -1 rush yd, fL)
More then likely if you had him you weren't stupid enough to start him (6% start in Yahoo!) however he totally deserves the award. I don't care if it was snowing, clearly that had no effect on Brady. Collins has to be replaced as the starter by Vince Young. With the team standing at 0-6 it seems like an obvious decision. They need to figure out if Young is the real deal or if they need to burn a draft pick on a QB next year. Odds are that if you rely on Collins your season is over in fantasy and you are planning on hunting him down. Pick up Young as any day now he is or needs to be starting. I know everyone is experiencing bye week drama but unless your league is really deep one QB should still be available. Chad Henne (14% owned in Yahoo!) is out there and has the ability to throw the deep ball. He looked great against the Jets so anything can happen.
So this award goes to a team/player who does really well just not as well as the MVP of the week. 19% of people in Yahoo! leagues decided to sit him for various reasons. Potent Giants defense, lack of TDs in previous weeks or you forgot to put him in after his bye. Now you get to kick yourself after he makes it rain in New Orleans like Pacman Jones at a strip club. Instead of dollar bills, it was raining TD passes. Normally his numbers might get him MVP honors but due to a man named Brady he couldn't quite do it. However his numbers were still very impressive. Who dat? It's....
Drew Brees 38 points (369 yds, 4 TDs)
While I may have abandoned ship on picking complete shockers, to some this was a complete shock. Out dueling the Giants by 21 points, putting up nearly half a century mark against such a strong defense (even at home) is insane. Certifiably insane. Sean Payton is clearly the offensive genius we thought he was. The Saints offense is clearly the welterweight champion of the NFL, oh yes, it's the Juggernaut people. The Giants learned the hard way and what shocks me the most is that they still aren't ranked number 1 in anyone's power rankings.
There is no point in me even toying with this one. It is blatantly obvious who this week's MVP is.
Tom Brady 51 points (380 yds, 6 TDs)
It was just completely unfair what he did to the Titans. Their defense is poor enough but he could have stopped at 4, even 5. That would have been enough. In classic Belichick form they run up the score, probably because Billy boy has Brady in his fantasy league. Odds are he will have, not a repeat performance, but darn close to last week. The Bucs are another poor defense but the travel across the pond has hindered teams from performing before. Who will it take its toll on this week? My money is on the Bucs.
So there you have it folks. Those of you who I am in the leagues with congrats to the owners who have these players. For the others, thanks for checking out the blog. I apologize for the delay for the awards. Unfortunately for my writing skills I have gotten hooked to those silly Facebook games. Ooooh, I wonder if it's time to pick my crops? Gotta run! Until we BS again.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
NFL Power Rankings - Week 7

NFL Power Rankings
1. New Orleans Saints (1, 5-0)
3. Minnesota Vikings (3, 6-0)
Favre to Sidney Rice is having a nice ring to it in Minnesota. However in Baltimore it's making people sick. They just outlasted the Ravens by an eye lash on a missed last second field goal. Now they get the defending Super Bowl champs. Can Favre not have any turnovers against yet another potent defense?
4. Denver Broncos (5, 6-0)
Special teams did it for them this week. Eddie Royal owns San Diego's soul. Without him it would have been a very interesting and tight game. Defense is looking strong as long as Brian Dawkins and Champ Bailey stay healthy.
5. New York Giants (4, 5-1)
They fell hard in New Orleans. Brees abused their defense and made them look pedestrian. They can't be dropped too much, I mean they did lose badly against the best team in the NFL right now. Time to face another offensive, pass heavy team in the Cardinals.
6. Atlanta Falcons (8, 4-1)
Does anyone but me, outside of the New England area, feel bad for the Titans? That was a complete, utter beatdown.What a weekend for the Boston area. Red Sox and Patriots going down hard. This was a tough loss but the reason there is such a drop is because of how shaky their offense looked. That all could be due to the great Broncos defense. Orton owned their defense and the only reason they got a turnover is because of a hail mary. They get a laugher, possibly, this week with the Titans in town.
It wasn't pretty but they beat the Browns yet again. How the Browns offense looked better against their team then against the Bills is beyond me. I guess divisional opponent? Who knows. But a win is a win and this one ties them with the Bengals for first in the division. Minus that whole losing to them thing.
12. San Francisco 49ers (15, 3-2)
Their defense needed that bye week because they are facing an offensive juggernaut in Houston this week. Ryan to White abused them, who knows what Schaub to Johnson will do against them. At least they will have Gore back and there will be a Michael Crabtree sighting. We'll see what the offense brings to the table now but the defense needs to step it up after that poor performance against Atlanta.
They lost to Oakland, enough said. Don't give me that cross country travel BS, they lost to the Raiders. They were SHUT DOWN by a Raiders defense without their best cover guy. The Nnamdi factor wasn't in effect. How do you lose to the Raiders? What would you do for a Klondike bar? Would you lose to the Raiders? Yes, Eagles fan, you would.
That was just not fair what they did to the Lions. While the shut out was impressive, its the talent that they faced that didn't impress me.
Steve Slaton tore the Bengals up in the passing game but not nearly as much at Matt Schaub. This was the first game of the season for the Bengals where they weren't in it for the win at the end. No heart issues for their fans just utter disappointment for losing to an offensive juggernaut like the Texans. This team looks like they have turned the corner.
The Panthers end up in the win column again beating another poor team. Steve Smith (now known as the other Steve Smith) is upset because the team is focused on the run. Look at your QB and think about that for a sec Steve. Now punch yourself, repeatedly. Maybe that will knock some sense into you.
24. Kansas City Chiefs (25, 1-5)
Since when is beating the Redskins that great of an accomplishment? Certainly not this season. However they did get a tough win on the road but the fans have really turned on the 'Skins. All over some humble pie that was served up by the Chefs. Great coogily moogily. <---in case you forgot the reference
While I am impressed that they beat the Jets on the road, neither team looked good. It was an accident for whoever to win this game. Both were making mistakes and committing stupid penalties left and right. At least their game didn't hurt to watch this week!
Don't make me regret moving you guys up. Last time I did this you flopped. Plus you gotta think Richard Seymour is getting in the ear of every player after Antonio Pierce said playing them is like playing the practice squad two weeks ago. This past week they had a fire that was missing in them a week before. Seymour for some reason is thinking playoffs. Does he remember who the QB is? Like Kevin Garnett says, anything is possiblllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle!
Add Marc Bulger and a sketchy pass defense, that leads to a near win for this team. Unfortunately they forgot to study up on how to stop MJD. Although they look like they are starting to turn it around.
Dare to compare mine to those at ESPN. We differ on who we think the best team is but hey, at least you know I'm not one to plagiarize. Check it out and I will see you here next week!